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Q: What was the main topic of The Iliad?
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What was the topic of the Iliad?

corinthian wars

What is the main topic of this topic?

What is the main topic of this topic?

Is Trojan Horse part of Iliad?

The main source of the story is Virgil's Iliad, a Latin epic poem from the time of Augustus

What are main topics?

the thing an author wants the reader to focus on -the topic or main point and what is it about

Why is the 'Wrath of Achilles' the main theme in the Iliad?

The second line of the Iliad describes Achilles' rage as [oulomene]: 'destructive'. The first word of the Iliad is [menin] :: 'rage'. In a sense, the whole poem is about rage.

What does the topic in a book report mean?

well,basically the main idea of the book. it is like '' what is the main topic for this book''. main topic is the main idea

What is the main topic in each of the two woodcuts?

What is the main topic in each of the two woodcuts

What are some of the topics that appear in ancient Greek literature such as Iliad and the odyssey?

the only other topic is the figure of homer which is shrouded in mystery

What are some topics that appear in ancient Greek literature such as the Iliad and the Odyssey?

the only other topic is the figure of homer which is shrouded in mystery

What is the difference betwean a topic and a main idea?

The topic is like the main thing you are going to talk about but main idea is the main sentence of a passage

What is the difference between main idea and topic sentence?

topic is how u start off main idea is what this is mainly about

What happens if your paragraph does not have a topic sentence?

if a paragraph does not have a topic sentence then