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Q: What was the mayflower journey like?
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What did the mayflower look like?

The mayflower was big and it was tough

What year did the pilgrms start their journey too north America?

The Mayflower set sail September 1620.

How did the two dogs die on the Mayflower?

There is no documented evidence that two dogs died on the Mayflower during its journey to America. The only known pet aboard the Mayflower was a dog named "Butten," belonging to William Butten, a servant of Samuel Fuller. However, there is no mention of Butten's fate or any other dogs on the ship perishing during the journey.

Who was the captain of speedwell?

The Speedwell was a ship that sailed with the Mayflower in 1620, but there is no record of a specific captain for the Speedwell. The ship did encounter problems and was ultimately deemed unseaworthy, leading some passengers to transfer to the Mayflower for the journey to the New World.

What did the pilgrams do during there journey?

During the voyage to America they subscribed to a covenant for self-government called Mayflower Compact (after the name of the ship).

What was the Mayflower like?

Dank, cramped and smelly.

Where did the pilgrims sleep on the mayflower?

like anyone else would, lay down, were ever you are,and close your eyes they slept on the mayflower like one family had their own little corner or spot to sleep in