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The Final Solution( Of the Jewish Question)

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Q: What was the name of the Nazi campaign that destroy the Jews?
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Words that start with o about the Holocaust?

· Operation Reinhard - The code name for the plan to destroy the Jews.

What is another name for the annihilation of Jews?

* Holocaust * Shoah * "Final solution" * Nazi genocide of the Jews

What name did the Nazis give to dealing with the Jews?

It is called the Holocaust, when Nazi Germany executed 600,000,000 Jews. The Germans did not name it that, that is what the event was given for a name for what Adolf Hitler did.

What was the name of the genocide the nazi s used to kill 6 million Jews?

The Holocaust.

What is an organized massacre of Jews?

The organized name of the racial discrimination of Jews was called the holocoast. The holocoast was lead by Adolf Hitler the leader of his Nazi party

Why would Jews change their names in Nazi Germany?

they were ordered to, men had to have 'Israel' as their middle name and women 'Sarah'.

Is Haase Jewish name?

Not necessarily, Haase is a German name. During the period of WWII when the jews were being discriminated by Nazi's in Germany Jews started changing there name's to German Surnames, and Haase just so happen to be one of them.

What was the name for the Nazi euthanasia program?

The Nazi regime referred to it as the Final Solution of the Jewish Question. See related questions below.

What name is given to the Nazi massacre of over 6 million Jews?

The Holocaust

When did the Normandy Campaign begin and what was its code name Who commanded it?

The Normandy Campaign to liberate Europe from Nazi control began the 6th of June 1944 (D-Day) and was known by the code name of 'Operation Overlord' which was under the overall command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower .

What was the Nazi name given to the specific plan designed to work Jews and then eradicate them in death camps throughout Europe?

The Final Solution in german:Die Endlösung

What is Bruno's grandfather's name in 'The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Bruno's grandfather is a Nazi supporter, his grandmother is not.