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MANY British prime Ministers have introduced new taxes- you need to be specific over which taxes you are referring to.

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Q: What was the name of the british prime minister that passed new taxes?
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Why did the british feel justified in beginning to levy taxes on the colonies after 1763 including the new stamp tax instituted by what prime minister?

Prime Minister George Grenville

Who included a tax on imports to the other colonies?

some taxes were on tea,and paper goods. it was the coersive acts

Which of these acts passed by the british did not taxes for the American colonies?

Tea act

Minister whose clever attempt to impose import taxes?

George Grenville was the British Minister who enforced the Navigation Act and passed the Sugar, Stamp, Currency, and Quartering Acts. These acts were meant to cover the expenses and debt of Britain at the expense of the American people.

Who was the First lord of the Treasury and later prime Minister who was responsible for some of the most outlandish taxes on the American colonies including the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act?

It was Prime Minister George Grenville.

What was the british law passed in 1765 that levied higher taxes?

the stamp act

How did the laws Parliament passed increase British control in the American colonies?

The laws parliament passed increase British control in the American colonies since they lowered taxes.

British Minister made enforcement of Navigation Acts easier with new taxes and laws?

townsheds act's

What prime minister brought taxes into Canada?

Section 91(3) of the Constitution Act, 1867 grants to the Parliament of Canada vast authority to levy taxes through any method. The passage of the Act, and the collection of taxes, were set up before the appointment of a post-Confederation prime minister. Section 92(2) of the Act grants more narrow taxation powers to the provinces, authorizing direct taxes (such as levying their own provincial sales taxes).Perhaps the most notable creation of a federal tax is the controversial enactment of the Goods and Services Tax (the GST) by the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, P.C., then the 18th prime minister. The sales tax is charged on all provinces, and in five provinces, is blended with the provincial sales tax.

What document was passed in 1765?

The Stamp Act was passed by the British POarliament which imposed direct taxes on the American colonists on 22 March, 1765.

Why did the British prime minister George grenville decide to put new taxes on the colonies?

Britain imposed new taxes on the American colonists in order to pay for the French and Indian War (also known as the Seven years war.) The British government felt that because the war was fought to protect the colonies, they should pay for some of the war.

How did colinal leaders react to the many acts and taxes passed by the british government?

they were very mad and tarred the tax colectors