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Jacobus Arminius

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Jacobus Arminius.

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Q: What was the name of the dutch protestant theologian who opposed john calvin's belief in predestination?
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Who is the dutch theologian opposed to john calvins belief in predestination?

Jacobus Arminius

Who opposed the theologian John Calvin?

Martin Luther

What faction opposed the social gospel?

protestant fundamentalist

Why did many catholic clergy die?

They opposed the Protestant rule in their country.

Following the Protestant reformation how was the Roman Catholic Church different from protestant churches?

Protestants opposed the sale of indulgences, while Catholics did not.

How many catholics are there in Louisiana?

Yes, Louisiana is predominantly Catholic as opposed to Protestant, it was settled by Catholics from France.

What religion did Queen Elizabeth bring back?

she made England a Protestant country, as opposed to Mary's (her sisters) Catholic rule.

What religious beliefs did the Plymouth colony have?

They were a mixture of Puritans and Separatists. These groups were Protestant Christians that were opposed to the Anglican state church of England.

What was Spain's reaction to the reformation?

Spain was strongly opposed to the Protestant Reformation. King Philip II and the Spanish Inquisition worked to suppress any spread of Protestant ideas in their territories. They viewed the Reformation as a threat to their authority and saw it as heretical.

What English group opposed Catholic rituals in the Protestant Church?

The Puritans thought the Church of England was too Catholic.

Why was the condemnation of Luther in 1521 at Worms not enforced by the German nobility?

Because several German princes were Protestant as well and opposed the Catholic Church.

England became a protestant country during the reformation when its?

king declared himself head of the Church of England.