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Those were the Nuremberg Trials.

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Q: What was the name of the famous trials at the end of the war?
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What was the name of the trials that prosecuted nazi and war criminals?

Nuremburg War Trials .

What are some famous trials during World War 2?

the trials of the July bomb plotters.

What is the name given to the trials where Nazi leaders were tried for war crimes?

those were the nuremburg trials.

What are some famous trials that took place during the Holocaust and after the war in germany?

In and after World War II, numerous trials took place in military and in civil courts on both sides of the conflict. As few trials of a legitimate sort took place in relation to the Holocaust while the war was ongoing, it is the Nuremberg Trials after the war that are rightly considered to be most famous -- and important. Taking in place in 1945 and 1946, these trials brought numerous Nazis and other Germans to court for their participation in war crimes and other wrongdoings, such as the Holocaust genocide.

In the war trials in Japan who was the most famous person hanged?

Hideki Tojo is usually considered to be the most well-known individual hanged as a result of the Tokyo Trials.

Does Nuernberg still exist in Germany?

yes Nuremberg is a cityIn Germany. it was bombed to near annihilation by allies during WWII. it is most famous for the post war Nazi trials. numerous famous Nazis where hanged because of these trials.

Why were the Nuremberg trials famous?

All nazi war criminals were tried and prosecuted. Ironically, this took place in Germany.

What happened at Nuremberg trials?

The Nuremberg trials were military tribunals conducted by the Allied Forces after the end of WW2. These trials were held for prominent members of Nazi Germany who were accused of war crimes.

How were the Nuremberg trials similar to the andersonville trials?

The Nuremberg Trials were held after World War II to prosecute top Nazi officials for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Andersonville Trials were held after the American Civil War to prosecute Confederate soldiers for war crimes committed at the Andersonville prisoner of war camp. Both trials aimed to bring accountability to individuals responsible for heinous acts during wartime.

What is the trial name for the criminals in the Holocaust?

They were the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. ____ There were some other similar trials, for example the 'Bergen-Belsen Tribunal'; there were trials in Poland, Belgium and France, and many other countries.

The Nuremberg trials at the end of the World War 2 were important because they?

set the legal precedent that leaders are responsible for the deeds of their nations in times of war.

What was the name given to the trails of Nazi war criminals?

poo6o5p in my butthole234372537453475142.452342105. Alternative answer. The Nuremberg trials.