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Q: What was the name of the prisoners in charge of the cell blocks during the holocaust?
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How many political prisoners died during the Holocaust?

Around 200,000 political prisoners were systematically murdered during the Holocaust.

Where were the female prisoners in the Holocaust?

Yes there were many, many female prisoners during the Holocaust.

Who were the prisoners working for during the holocaust?

The SS.

Where were the female prisoners during the holocaust?

Ghettos with the children and men.

Did they do fatal medical expeiraments on the prisoners during the holocaust?


What was a kapo during the holocaust?

A Kapo was a prisoner who was placed in charge of other prisoners. Itwas a method used to mean that the guards needed to do less to keep control/discipline of the prisoners, if the kapo did not do a good enough job, then he was replaced.

Where were the prisoners during the holocaust prisoned?

there were camps across occupied Europe.

How much clothing did the prisoners get in winter during the Holocaust?

they got an extra coat

How much sleep did prisoners get in concentration camps during the holocaust?

2 hours

What was the head of block during the Holocaust?

A Blockältester ('block senior') was a trusted prisoner in charge of a 'block'. He was appointed by the SS and had considerable power over the other prisoners in the block, usually including the right to whip them. His powers were broadly the same as those of a Kapo (Capo), except that the latter was (ususally) a gangmaster in charge of a working party possibly consisting of men from several blocks.

Who was in charge of the Germans during holocaust?


Who are Holocaust prisoners?

During the Holocaust, the Nazis targeted seven major groups: Jews, Romas (gypsies), homosexuals, Slavs, mentally and physically handicapped, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Soviet Prisoners of war.