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I believe it was the Manhattan Project

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Q: What was the name of the secret project to develop an atomic weapon?
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Secret US effort to develop an atomic weapon before any other country?

Manhattan Project

What is secret project of the Manhattan project?

The Manhattan Project was the code name for the WWII project to build the first Nuclear Weapon, the Atomic Bomb.

Goal of Manhattan project?

To create the atomic bomb before Nazi Germany could (if possible). Otherwize to have an atomic bomb to use on Nazi Germany in retaliation for their using them on England or the USSR (our allies). It was never expected when the Manhattan Project started that we might use them on Japan, but after Germany surrendered just before the Manhattan Project had a working atomic bomb, it had significant momentum, and it was becoming obvious how hard it really would be to defeat Japan the US decided that as fast as the atomic bombs could manufactured by the Manhattan Project's factories the atomic bombs would be used on Japan until it surrendered.

What was not a new weapon develop during World War 1?

Atomic bombs

What was the purpose of the war manhatten project and how did it result in the end of the war against japan?

it was a secert program. the goal was to develop an atomic bomb, a weapon the produces tremendous power by splitting atomics.

What is the name of the original project to develop nuclear weapon?

Manhattan Engineering District

What was the name given to the US effort to develop the first nuclear weapon?

Manhattan project

Who was the scientific director of the secret US project known as the Manhattan Project which developed the world's first nuclear weapon?


What did the US hope to achieve with the Manhattan Project?

the creation of atomic weapon !

What is the mission of Los Alamos National Laboratory?

To create the first Atomic Weapon (part of the Manhattan Project)

What happen with the Manhattan Project?

The united states researched, built, tested and created the first atomic weapon.

What was the top secret project that aimed to create a nuclear weapon for the US?

The Manhattan Engineering District, eventually renamed just Manhattan Project.