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Q: What was the name of the short-lived island republic that united with Tanganyika to form the country of Tanzania in 1964?
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Country that was created by joining Tanganyika and Zanzibar?


Is Tanzania part of US country?

No. Tanzania is a nation in Africa formed by the union of Zanzibar and Tanganyika.

What are facts about Tanganyika?

Tanganyika formed part of the country that is now called Tanzania. The capital of Tanganyika was Dar es Salaam. There is also a lake called Lake Tanganyika.

What modern country's name sprang from the unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar?


Are Tanganyika and Tanzania the same country?

Yes, the name was changed in 1964.

Tanzania's old name?

Tanzania actually used to be two different countries. It was formed from a colony named Tanganyika and an island named Zanzibar. They made the name like this: Tan [ganyika] + Zan [zibar] + ia [ suffix for country ]. I hope that's good enough.

What historical events shaped Tanzania?

In 1964, Tanganyika and the nearby country Zanzibar joined together to make a new independent country called Tanzania.

What is the country tanganyika called now?

The country is now called Tanzania Blad sick man innit

What is the longest lake?

Lake Tanganyika is the worlds longest lake and it is in Africa, in the country of Tanzania.

What country was formed in 1964 when the two independent countries of Zanzibar and Tanganyika united?


In which valley do you find lake Tanganyika?

Lake Tanganyika is found in the Great Rift Valley. This lake is found in Tanzania which is a country located in East Africa.

Which is an African country -Thailand or Tanzania?

Tanzania it is located in Africa named after the combination of the names Tanganyika (referring to the mainland British colony) and Zanzibar (referring to the island archipelago off the coast).