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Q: What was the name of the three sons of Hercules and Megara?
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Who were Hercules' children?

Hercules had many children.but his most treasured was his three children with his wife Megara. He had two sons and one daughter. His daughter was the eldest out of the three in the Greek mythology of Hercules. His two sons' names were not identified but his daughter's was.her name was Macaria. Macaria had sacrified her life to protect her two siblings from the wife of Zeus, Hera. His son by Omphale is usually called Agelaus, but some authors give other names.

Did Hercules eat his children?

Hercules/Heracles killed his sons and wife in a fit of rage. Answer2 Hercules slayed his son, daughter and his first wife Megara with his bare hands after Hera, the queen of the Gods struck him with temporary madness.

What happened to hercules after he and his wife had three sons?

they all die

Who was heracles wife?

In Thebes, Heracles married King Creon's daughter, Megara, who bore him three sons. In a fit of madness he killed her and their children. His second marriage was to Deianira, the daughter of the king of Calydon. Note: Hercules/Heracles married a third time, this after becoming a deity. He wed Hebe, the daughter of Zeus and Hera.

Name Zeus' sons in Greek mythology.?

Hercules :)

Who ruled megara?

Megara was one of the four districts of Attica, embodied in the four mythic sons of King Pandion II, of whom Nisos was the ruler of Megara.

What is the name of Zeus's son?

Zeus had many sons. His most popular son is Hercules.

Why did Hercules have to perform the 12 labors?

The labors of Hercules were set by Eurystheus King of the Tiryns and Mycenae. The labors were a set of 12 extremely difficult, so difficult they were almost impossible, tasks, They were given as a punishment after Hercules killed his wife and children.

Name of steptoe and sons horse?

Hercules is the name of Steptoe and Sons horse. The series was voted 15th in a 2004 BBC poll to find Britain's Best Sitcom.

Who were Hercules' sons?

His children are:AntileonHippeusThrepsippasEumedesCreon • •••

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What was the real name of the horse in Steptoe and Son tv programme?

Steptoe and sons horse was called HERCULES