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Q: What was the name of the woman that worked in the factories during ww2?
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Was there a special name for women working during World War 2?

Rosie the Riveter was what women who worked in factories were called.

What was the name of the woman who was used as propaganda to encourage women to join the workforce during the war?

Rosie the Riveter was the name of the woman who was used as propaganda to encourage women to join the workforce during the war. With most men gone off to fight, there were very few men left behind to work in the factories. Women were encouraged to help their country by working in factories.

What was the nick name of women who worked in factories in world war 2?

Meg Griffin

What is a domestic industrial?

this means that women children and men now worked in factories and not in houses on a farm or on farms sex is were a man and a woman put vagina into the penis rape is when a woman is forced into ex when she does not want to do it look this up on youtube if you to see this in real life picture the name of the video is a man and a woman in bed having sex

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In the 1970s, teens commonly worked in retail, food service, babysitting, gardening, or as newspaper carriers. Many also worked in entry-level positions in offices, factories, or as lifeguards or camp counselors during the summer.

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What was the name of the woman that sat knitting by the guillotine during the french revolution?

Her name is Madame Defarge .

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Monica Lewinsky was the most prominent name of several.

What is the name of the buildings built in cities that people worked in during the industrial revolution?

sweat houses

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Here name was Molly Pitcher.

How ic741 has got its name?

Electronic components are given a number during developement. Componenets are given a name when the designers have worked out what the component actually does

What was the full name of the woman by the name of Rosie the Riveter during World War 2?

That is/was her full name. She was a fictional character created for propaganda purposes by the US government during the war.