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There was only America . It was the Northern States against the Southern States of the U.S.

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Q: What was the names of the two countries fighting in the civil war?
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What were the names of the two side fighting in the American Civil War?

union(north), confederates(south)

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Countries were not fighting in the War of the Roses. It was a civil war between two royal houses, Lancaster and York. They were fighting over the crown. One complication: the War of the Roses occurred while England was involved in the 100 Years War with France.

Which country did the US fight for in the Civil War?

The Civil War was a between the Union (North) and the Confederacy (South) in the United States. No two countries were fighting against each other. That's why it was called a civil war because it was a war between two sides in one country.

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The Northern States and the Southern States!

Why was the Civil War civil?

It wasn't plain and simple. It was not two groups of one country fighting, it was an invasion of a nation by another.

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Spain and the US.