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he was having bad experiance

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Q: What was the narrators experience with researching disease in novel three men in a boat?
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Cather's My Ántonia uses realist naturalist and modernist methods The use of two narrators and the technique of beginning the novel at the end of the story are most indicative of the novel's?

The use of two narrators in My Ántonia allows for a complex and multi-dimensional exploration of the characters and themes in the novel. By beginning the story at the end, Cather sets a reflective and nostalgic tone, highlighting the impact of memory and time on the characters' lives. These techniques are indicative of the novel's modernist approach to storytelling, as it engages with the complexities of human experience and memory in a fragmented and nonlinear way.

Who is the protagonist of the novel Heart of Darkness?

There are two narrators in Heart of Darkness. The first is unknown and the second is Marlow.

Cathers My Ántonia uses realist naturalist and modernist methods The use of two narrators and the technique of beginning the novel at the end of the story are most indicative of the novel's?

These factors are most indicative of the novel's modernist methods.

Two narrators and the technique of beginning the novel at the end of the story are most indicative of the novel's techniques?

Having two narrators allows for multiple perspectives and voices to be heard in the novel, adding depth and complexity to the storytelling. Beginning the novel at the end of the story, also known as in medias res, creates an intriguing narrative structure that hooks the reader from the start and builds suspense as the story unfolds through flashbacks and present-day events. These techniques can provide insight into the characters' motivations, relationships, and how the plot unfolds throughout the novel.

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"I admire Gertrude Stein's innovative approach in her novel."

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Maycomb's usual disease is racism. The kids don't know yet weather to be racist or not, and they don't really understand it either. Atticus is trying to raise them against the usual "disease" of the county so they can grow up better people.

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In novel studies? Yeah! Okay maybe researching the author or writing a story/poem.

What is one purpose for using multiple narrators in a novel?

(Apex) To tell the story from many different perspectives.

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The structure in a novel refers to how the story is organized or presented. This can include elements such as the order of events, use of flashbacks or multiple narrators, and chapter divisions. A well-structured novel helps to create a cohesive narrative and can enhance the overall reading experience.

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Cather's My Ántonia uses realist naturalist and modernist methods Using two narrators and beginning the novel at the end of the story indicates which influence?

Beginning the novel at the end of the story is indicative of modernist influence in "My Ántonia." This storytelling technique challenges traditional linear narratives and reflects modernist themes of complexity and fragmentation. By using two narrators, Cather also emphasizes multiple perspectives and the subjectivity of truth, which are key characteristics of modernist literature.