

What was the new kingdom pharaohs main goal?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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was to expand their armies so they don't get invaded Egypt

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Q: What was the new kingdom pharaohs main goal?
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What did Egyptian pharaohs do?

Their main occupation was to design and build new pyramids, and to develop new tecniques to mummifying the important deceased members of the kingdom. On their leisure time the guys used to love their wives to generate new pharaohs.

What is the different in how the pharaoh ruled in each of the three periods?

In the Old kingdom Pharaohs had absolute power.In the Middle kingdom Pharaohs should be "good kings ".And in the New Kingdom Pharaohs should be all powerful.

In which dynasty did the reign of pharaohs end?

Old kingdom NEW KINGDOM!!! I swear!

During what kingdom did kings become know as pharaohs?

during the middle and new kingdom. :)

What area of conquered by New Kingdom Pharaohs?

Syria and Palestine.

Who did the new kingdom pharaohs hide their tombs from?

Tomb robbers.

What were the major difference among the old kingdom the Middle Kingdom and the new kingdom?

the main differences are the New Kingdom focused on the Pharaohs (Pyramids) the Middle Kingdom focused on the everyday man (the lower class) had governmental projects like irrigation systems and damns. the New Kingdom focused back on the Pharaoh and building burial places for them.

What were the major differences among the old kingdom the middle kingdom and the new kingdom?

the main differences are the New Kingdom focused on the Pharaohs (Pyramids) the Middle Kingdom focused on the everyday man (the lower class) had governmental projects like irrigation systems and damns. the New Kingdom focused back on the Pharaoh and building burial places for them.

Who ruled Egypt between the middle kingdom and new kingdoms?

No one as soon as the middle kingdom ended the New kingdom started with the same line of pharaohs

Why did New Kingdom pharaohs decide to create a strong military?

defend from attacks

How did the pharaohs of the New Kingdom change Egypt?

The people known as pharaohs would help out the New Kingdom and change Egypt by giving them tributes and give them things and barter with them also with trading.