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Manor farm yhu idiot xd

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Q: What was the new name for animal farm at the end of the book?
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What is the name of the farm at the end of Animal Farm?

After first being named Manor Farm, then Animal Farm, the farm eventually ends up being named The Manor Farm.

What is the original name of the farm which is the setting of the novel Animal Farm?

Originally, the farm was known as 'Manor Farm' but after the animals rebelled against their owner, Mr. Jones, they changed the name of the farm to Animal Farm. Then, in the end, the pigs changed the name back to Manor Farm, signifying that only the aggressor had changed, not the situation.

What farm animals name end in K?

Hi The only farm animal whose name ends in k is a duck. Hope I could help.

Who is the poet of the farm in Animal Farm?

The poet of the farm in Animal Farm is Old Major, a wise old boar who delivers a speech that inspires the animals to rebel against their human farmer and establish a new society based on equality and solidarity.

Who gives the final toast to napoleon at the end of animal farm?

You should read the book. It's very good.

How does orwell make fun of bureaucracy in animal farm?

in the end of the book napoleon begins to walk like a human

Does Napoleon die in Animal Farm?

"yes. my class just read that book in 9th grade lit." No he definitely doesn't. We are doing this book for GCSE, and the ending is the animals watching as Napoleon plays cards with humans. He remains very much alive, but he does die, I think, at the end of the film

When did Muskingum County Animal Farm end?

Muskingum County Animal Farm ended in 2011.

What commandments is changed at the end of chapter 8 in animal farm?

page 49 to 50 of the penguin modern classics book

What character dies early on in the book animal farm?

old major and then snowball dies. boxer dies at the end and its so sad the way he dies:( its a great book!

When do the animals become in charge of the farm in Animal Farm?

Near the end of the novel

How did power affect the pigs and especially Napoleon in animal farm?

It corrupted them to the extent that the other animals at the end of the book had trouble telling the pigs from the humans.