

Best Answer

"Vallon Sonore"

from "Les Troyens"

Written by Hector Berlioz

Performed by Ryland Davies and The Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal

Opera House, Covent Garden

Conducted by Colin Davis (as Sir Colin Davis)

Courtesy of Philips Classics

by arrangement with PolyGram Film & TV Licensing

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Q: What was the opera that Captain Picard listens to in the movie First Contact?
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Who was the first captain of USS enterprise?

== ==Robert AprilChristopher PikeAnswerThe first two captains named in canon are Jonathan Archer (Enterprise NX-01) and Christopher Pike (USS Enterprise NCC 1701). Robert April is sometimes named as the first captain of the NCC 1701, before Pike, but never in a canon episode or movie.

Who met the Borg first Janeway or Picard?

picard met them first.. Q showed up and prematuraly decided they all needed to be put in check... and threw the ship into a different part of the galaxy where they met the borg... many years before they were supposed to and it resulted in the borg becoming aware of the humans long before THEY should have...

When did the movie Captain America come out?

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

When was the first appearance of Captain America?

Captain America first appeared in Captain America Comics 1 which was released in December of 1940 and had a cover date of March 1941.

What is Star Trek: Picard going to be about?

Set twenty years after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis, Star Trek: Picard is going to focus on retired Starfleet Admiral Jean-Luc Picard returning to aid the United Federation of Planets when they ask for his help.Not many details surrounding the plot have been released, but fans know that The Borg, a villainous hive mind used as antagonists in multiple Star Trek productions, should be playing a large role, due in part to the return of characters Hugh and Seven of Nine. Other returning characters include Counselor Deanna Troi, Captain William Riker, and the android Data (although he will probably appear in the body of his "brother", B-4, after the events of Nemesis).The first season of Star Trek: Picard will consist of ten episodes and is set to premiere on Jan. 23, 2020, exclusively streaming on CBS All Access.

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Who played picard in Star Trek TNG?

Jean Luc Picard appears in the following Star Trek movies:* Star Trek: Generations * Star Trek: First Contact * Star Trek: Insurrection * Star Trek: Nemesis

How big is the new Star Trek enterprise?

If you are talking about the Star Trek enterprise E from movies such as Nemesis, Insurrection and First Contact, it is, and I quote from the movie Star Trek First Contact Picard: "There are 24 decks, almost 700 metres long"

Who originally transferred command of the Enterprise to Jean Luc Picard?

From the pilot episode where they are travelling to Farpoint station Picard is already in command, no one transfers this command to him, we have to assume that he was already assigned the vessel by Star Fleet command prior to the Stardate being depicted in the first show. In the final episode "All Good Things", Adm. Sati (spelling?) gave Capt. Picard the assignment as captain, as read in the orientation ceremony.

Need Picard authorization code from a specific episode in form Picard alpha 123 gamma 456 enable where the 123 and 456 are replaced with the actual numbers from the episode?

These are the authorisation codes that Cpt. Jean Luc Picard uses through the TV Series' and Movies. * 2365: "Omicron-Omicron-Alpha-Yellow-Daystar-2-7" (TNG: "Unnatural Selection") * 2369: "Picard-Delta-5" (TNG: "Chain of Command, Part I") * 2369: "Picard-Epsilon-7-9-3" (TNG: "Ship in a Bottle") * 2373: "Picard-4-7-Alpha-Tango" (Star Trek: First Contact) * 2379: "Picard, authorization Alpha-Alpha-3-0-5" (Star Trek Nemesis)

In what battle is the Picard Maneuver first used in?

The Battle of Maxia

What was Star Trek Picard's first name on the show?

Trek Picard's first name on the show was "Wagon train to the stars". It is an American science fiction created by Gene Roddenberry and currently owned by CBS and Paramount.

What day was captain cook born on?

Captain Cook was born on November 7, 1728. James Cook was a cartographer, Naval commander, and explorer. He is known for being the first European to have contact with Australia.

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Captain Cooks first voyage was to Europe

Who was Liverpool's first English captin?

captain zico was the first captain of Liverpool

How do you make a fluxcompasitor for time travel?

First refer to the manual written by Akira SuzukiHokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. take the zargon crystal and insert it into the bio-warp chip, then assemble the anti gravity device, captain Picard then will guide you through the next phase if any issues present themselves.

Who was the first captain of USS enterprise?

== ==Robert AprilChristopher PikeAnswerThe first two captains named in canon are Jonathan Archer (Enterprise NX-01) and Christopher Pike (USS Enterprise NCC 1701). Robert April is sometimes named as the first captain of the NCC 1701, before Pike, but never in a canon episode or movie.