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Q: What was the plantation elite?
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What explains why the idea that plain folk of the old south felt bond with the plantation elite is false?

They were slaveholders too.

What are the features of plantation society?

Plantation societies are characterized by large-scale agricultural production based on a single crop and usually involve slavery or indentured labor. They are typically organized in a hierarchical structure with a small elite owning the plantations and controlling the economy and society. Plantation societies tend to have a high level of inequality, with wealth and power concentrated in the hands of a few.

Why is plantation called plantation?

Plantation is called plantation because.. In the word plantation there is PLANT, the word plant signifies plantation...thing that grow like plants.. IN BARNS Plantation is a barn.

Where are some plantation hotels located?

Monmouth Plantation and Magnolia Plantation Hotel are plantation hotels located in Mississippi. Boone Hall Plantation is located in South Carolina. Sandals Royal Plantation is located in Jamaica.

Who is the plantation manger?

The southern plantation

Which historic plantation was used as the plantation manor in the movie Beulah Land?

the melrose plantation

Who ran the plantation for the plantation owner?

the overseer ran the plantation maybe buy slaves

Who wanted the upper class to control the new government?

If you are asking about the American government the constitution was written by the elite of the colonies. They were lawyers, plantation owners, business owners, and the wealthy. The 55 men were the aristocracy of the colonies so there was no doubt who was in control from the very start. Washington was very wealthy, a plantation owner, and even distilled whiskey sold in the colonies.

What was Suriname's rural and urban housing?

Rural huts and plantation houses as well as urban hovels and mansions with slave or servant quarters are what characterize Suriname's historic rural and urban housing.Specifically, the capital and coastal cities were home to an enslaved or indentured labor pool as well as to an elite of traders and plantation owners. The former lived in the cramped quarters of either the master or the landlord. The latter divided time between rural plantation houses and urban mansions.

What is the ISBN of The Plantation?

The ISBN of The Plantation is 0971574308.

What did plantation owners live in?

Plantation Houses

When was The Plantation created?

The Plantation was created in 2002.