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In short: A boy and a girl fall in love, but the girl discovers that he is actually a vampire. They struggle to maintain a normal relationship while they fight the threat of the human girl falling victim to other hungry vampires.

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Q: What was the plot in twilight?
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The Host has nothing to do with Twilight. The plot and setting are totally different. The only similarity is that both books have a romance story.

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It's the same idea and the same plot, but of course, in the movie they cut out certain parts of the book and some things are different.

Where can you get a description of Twilight and New Moon?

I think wikipedia is the best place because it tells you the whole plot

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What would be a prop for the plot twilight?

an apple, a purple rose, a red ribbon, or red and white chess pieces.

Why is Twilight so popular when it hardly has a plot?

The Twilight books are so poular mainly because they're romance and the "modern" Anne Rice version of vampires has never really been used.

Why Forks is crucial to the plot in Twilight?

Forks is crucial to the plot of Twilight because it's cloudy and rainy there. The Cullen's can live a "normal" life since there are not many sunny days. If they lived in an area with better weather they would not be able to interact with the townspeople since they sparkle like diamonds when they are in the sun light.

What is the plot for the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess game?

In the game of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, the plot begins with Link as a youth in the village of Ordon. The village is attacked by monsters. Link is attacked and becomes unconscious at which point he gets drawn into the wall of Twilight, turns into a wolf and becomes captured in a castle. Once there he joins forces with an imp named Midna and the two work together to free Link.

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Bellas & Edwards wedding, Honeymoon & her getting pregnant. i think !! & also her becoming a Vampire !