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To argue that the chaos of civil war (or a state of nature) can only be averted by transferring our rights to all things over to an all-powerful sovereign whose duty it would be to make decisions for the good of all

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Q: What was the purpose of Hobbes' leviathan?
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In Hobbes's leviathan the purpose of the social contract is create a sovereign who can?

maintain civil peace

In Hobbes's Leviathan the purpose of the social contract is to create a sovereign who can .?

maintain civil peace

In hobbes's leviathan the purpose of social contract is to create a sovereign who can?

maintain civil peace

In Hobbes's leviathan the purpose of the social contract is to create a sovereign who can?

maintain civil peace

In hobbes's ''leviathan''the purpose of the social contract is to create a sovereagn who can?

protect the lives of everyone who agrees to the contract

What did Thomas Hobbes write?

Leviathan :]

Who is the writer of leviathan?

Thomas Hobbes

What book did Thomas Hobbes write?

Thomas Hobbes wrote the book Leviathan.

Who wrote Leviathan?

Leviathan was written by Thomas Hobbes between 1588 and 1679. It was published in 1651. The official title of the book is The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil.

What impact did Thomas Hobbes have on world history?

he wrote the leviathan

Thomas Hobbes the English philosopher viewed the nation as a what?

A Leviathan

In Hobbes leviathan the purpose of the social contract is to Crete a sovereign who can?

The purpose of the social contract in Hobbes' Leviathan is to create a sovereign authority that has the power to maintain peace and order by regulating individuals' behavior through the threat of punishment. This sovereign authority helps prevent the chaos and violence that would exist in a state of nature where individuals pursue their self-interest without regard for others.