


France in WW2

The French participation in World War 2, in both the European and Pacific theaters of the war. Questions regarding the Vichy government are also welcome here.

3,918 Questions

Who where alonso Alvarez de Pineda parents?

Oh, isn't that a lovely question? Sometimes we may not know all the details about someone's parents, and that's okay. What truly matters is the impact they had on the world and the legacy they left behind. Let's focus on the beauty of exploration and discovery that Alonso Alvarez de Pineda brought to the world instead.

How do you describe your village in French?

les maisons de mon village ont toutes un toit de tuiles rouges, des portes en bois (the houses in my village all have a red tiles roof, wooden doors)

Les rues sont étroites, sauf la rue principale où il y a l'église et la mairie. (the streets are narrow, except the main street where there is the church and the town hall) La cloche de l'église sonne toutes les heures, même la nuit. (the church bell rings every hour, even at night.)

L'école est près de la place du marché (the school is close to the market) La boulangerie et l'épicerie sont à côté du coiffeur, dans la rue principale. (the bakery and the grocery are next to the hairdresser, in the main street)

How many troops does France have in Afghanistan?

As of 2021, France has around 5,100 troops deployed in Afghanistan as part of NATO's Resolute Support Mission. These troops are involved in training, advising, and assisting Afghan security forces. France has been an active participant in international efforts to stabilize Afghanistan since the early 2000s.

How much percentage of the population of France belonged to the Estate?

During the reign of King Louis XVI of France (r. 1774-1792), the first two estates enjoyed a significantly greater degree of privilege than the third, despite the Third Estate representing more than 90% of the French population and paying almost all taxes.

What shape does France have on the map?

The shape of france is like a hexagon.It has six side................................................................... for those who dont know what a hexagon isbecause im not sure...........................................................................................

What part of the natural world is explained by when grizzlies walked upright?

The theory that grizzlies once walked upright is not rooted in scientific evidence. This concept is likely a myth or folklore rather than a factual explanation of any part of the natural world.

At what Russian city on the volga did the Germans suffer a major defeat?

The Germans suffered a major defeat at Stalingrad in southern Russia on the Volga River during World War II in 1943. This battle marked a turning point in the war as it halted the German advance into the Soviet Union.

What causes day?

The Earth's rotation on its axis causes day and night. As the Earth rotates, different parts of the planet are exposed to sunlight, causing day and darkness causing night.

What are the main landform regions of the Philippines?

The main landform regions of the Philippines are the coastal plains, the central lowlands, the rugged mountains, and the extensive river systems. The country is also characterized by volcanoes, including active ones such as Mount Mayon and Mount Pinatubo, as well as coral reefs along its coastlines.

Effects of man made disasters?

Man-made disasters can have devastating effects on both the environment and human populations. These effects may include loss of life, destruction of infrastructure, contamination of air, water, and soil, economic impact, displacement of communities, and long-term health consequences for those affected. Additionally, man-made disasters can have far-reaching consequences for ecosystems and biodiversity.

What are 3 major landforms in France?

Three major landforms in France are the Alps mountain range in the southeast, the Pyrenees mountain range in the southwest, and the Massif Central upland region in south-central France.

What climate zone is California in?

It depends on where you live. On the coast its a mild temperature in the fall and spring. In the Summer it is HOT! In the winter its cool. The desert region of California its pretty much always warm in the day and cold in the night. In the Sierra Nevada mountains, it is cold. In the Central Valley it is hot and humid.

What is a Middlesex village and farm?

This term is found in Longfellow's poem, "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere". Middlesex is a county in the State of Massachusetts that includes the city of Boston.

So a Middlesex village would be any of the town within that county.

Also, Middlesex was a county in England, so it could mean the same thing for towns in England.

'i am going to town' en french?

Literal translation is Je suis allez a ville

In modern every day French it would be said as

'Je vais en ville'.

Who is the leader of protoss?

The leader of the Protoss race is Artanis, the current hierarch of the unified Protoss in the game universe of StarCraft. He plays a significant role in the overall storyline of the Protoss faction in the game series.

Leaders of Serbia 1914?

In 1914, the leaders of Serbia included King Peter I and Prime Minister Nikola Pašić. They were instrumental in navigating the geopolitical challenges that eventually led to the outbreak of World War I, particularly in dealing with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in Sarajevo.

How did David Koresh become a leader?

David Koresh became a leader of the Branch Davidians by successfully asserting his authority within the group and presenting himself as a prophet with special spiritual insights. He gained followers by convincing them of his religious teachings and by creating a strong sense of community within the group. Over time, he further solidified his leadership through manipulation and control tactics.

How do you collaborate?

That is the correct spelling of "collaborator" (colleague, co-creator).

The negative connotation of the word is for someone who aids an enemy occupation force.

French surrender world war?

The French never surrendered in WW1, they even were the main force against Germany, and 1 500 000 French soldiers died in WW1, more than any victorious nation of WW1.

In WW2, 200 000 French soldiers died defending France, but they were betrayed by the British army which retreated to the UK instead of helping the French protect Paris, and Pétain, President of France, surrendered to Hitler. He is considered a traitor in France.

What did Germany do to make the Maginot line useless?

The Maginot line had been built along The Rhin river. The German army broke through Belgium, (like they have already done in 1914) and through the Ardennes forest which was considered as a mountain by the french headquarter, thinking it was a natural obstacle. But it was just a hill causing no problem to German armours.

The French were easily beaten because the Army and its leaders were incompetent compared to the disiplined and well-equipped Germans.