

Best Answer

The initial purpose was to terrorize people who defied the Nazi regime.


It was a part of the "Final Solution" to the Jewish "problem". Jews were taken there from all over Europe in crowded cattle trucks. Those who survived the journey were split into two groups, those to be immediately killed and those who could temporarily be useful as slave labor. Most new arrivals were stripped and herded into "shower" buildings where they were sealed in and Zyklon B was dropped in through holes in the roof. This killed them and their bodies were disposed of in purpose built crematoria which sometimes operated day and night.


The function of Auschwitz changed ... When it was first established in May 1940 it was primarily intended for Polish intellectuals and members of the Polish resistance. At that stage it was an exceptionally harsh forced labour and punishment camp. Later, some Soviet POWs were sent there, too. Auschwitz expanded to become a vast complex of camps (about 45 sub camps). Auschwitz II (Birkenau) opened in 1942, largely as an extermination camp for Jews.

Additional answer

It's not really true to say that Auschwitz was there to terrorise people, because if so then it would have been important for people to know of its existence and what would happen to you if you defied the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis tried to keep quiet about their concentration camps, because they knew that they might be the subject of war crimes trials.


The additional answer certainly applies to Auschwitz and the other extermination camps and Grade III concentration camps (the harshest category of all). However, the existence of the 'ordinary' concentration camps was well known. In fact, Himmler launched Dachau amid a blaze of publicity at a press conference. The purpose of these early camps was to terrorize opponents. There was a quite well known saying in Nazi Germany: 'Lieber Gott, mach' mich stumm/ Dass ich nicht nach Dachau kumm' (English: 'Dear God, make me mute, so that I won't go to Dachau').

It's a big mistake to think that all concentration camps were alike and served the same purposes.

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15y ago

The main camp or Stammlager which was also a labor camp, the extermination camp (Birkenau) or Vernichtungslager and the Monowitz, which was a labor camp. Auschwitz as administration, labor and transit camp, Birkenau as an anihilation camp and Monowitz as a labor camp producing synthetic rubber at an I.-G. Farben plant. Auschwitz had 51 satellite camps.

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13y ago
  • Auschwitz I was the original camp established in May-June 1940. It housed the central administration of the Auschwitz complex of camps and also political prisoners. It was a very harsh forced labour camp. Experiments in gassing were carried there.
  • Auschwitz II (Birkenau) was primarily an extermination camp but also included the women's forced labour camp.
  • Auschwitz III (Monowitz) was the 'private entreprise' forced labour camp set up at the expensive of the chemicals conglomerate I-G Farben, but it was guarded and policed by the SS. It made various plastics.
  • All the other 45 or so satellite camps were harsh forced labour camps.
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What was the purpose of the Auschwitz camp?

The purpose of the Auschwitz camp was to kill people or put them to work.

What purpose did rosenthal have in writing no news from Auschwitz?

The purpose is to describe. He wants to describe what it's like to go to Auschwitz and see how it really was.

Was Dachau worse than Auschwitz?

No. Dachau was a Grade I concentration camp; Auschwitz was Grade III, which was the harshest grade. Part of the Birkenau section of Auschwitz was an extermination camp.

How many Auschwitz camps were in World War 2?

there was a total of three Auschwitz camps that were significant in World War II. Each Auschwitz had a different purpose. Auschwitz I was created to incarcerate prisoners at forced labor. Auschwitz II was built as the Execution or Death Camp, holding more Gas Chambers than any of the three Auschwitz camps. Auschwitz III was a Labor Education Camp for non-Jewish prisoners who were perceived to have violated German-imposed labor discipline.

When was the concentration camp at Auschwitz established what was the purpose?

Auschwitz was established in May 1940. It's purpose was to carry out Hitler's Final Solution to the Jewish problem; to kill Europe's Jews.

Was Auschwitz the main camp?

From early 1942 Auschwitz operated as both. The only other camp that served as both a concentration camp and extermination camp was Majdanek.

Where was the place Auschwitz made?

Auschwitz was a Nazi-built extermination camp (that means that its sole purpose was to kill the detainees, and not to keep them just barely alive) in Poland.

What was the purpose of building Auschwitz?

Gas chambers Pits/Graves to dispose the gassed/Burned bodies Area where people worked from agriculturing to moving heavy pieces of metal Barracks with concret blockes where the prisoners to sleep on So basically Auschwitz was a killing/Slave working camp

How large was Auschwitz?

Auschwitz II - that is the Birkenau section of the Auschwitz complex of camps - was a little over one square mile in area. It did not need to be enormous as, from March 1942 most new arrivals were gassed as soon as practical. Birkenau also housed the women's camp.

What was the concentration camp Auschwitz purpose?

The Purpose of auschwitz was to kill as much people as posible whiles making a seriouse profit from something else to cover the resource cost and help the german economy during the war

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What were the names of the Aktion Reinhard camps?

BelzecSobiborTreblinkaSometimes Chemno, Majdanek (Lublin) and the Birkenau section of Auschwitz are also included.