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to provide a lump-sum payment to veterans :) hope i helped

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Q: What was the purpose of the adjusted compensation act of 1924?
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WWI veterans seeking the bonus Congress had promised them. And in 1924, congress passed the adjusted compensation act,which provided for a lump-sum payment to the veterans in 1945

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Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA) provides compensation benefits to federal employees who are:

What is the relationship between negligence Workers' Compensation and the Occupational Health and Safety act?

There is no relationship between the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Workers' Compensation. Negligence has no bearing on Worker's Compensation because that is a system of fault insurance.

In what year was injury at work compensation passed as a law in the United States?

The workplace injury management and workers compensation act was passed in 1998 in the United States. It was expanded upon in 2010 with the Workers Compensation Regulation act.

Who invented workers compensation?

The workman's compensation act was established in the UK in 1897. In America The United States Employees Compensation Act was enacted on September 7, 1916 sponsored by Senator John Kern and Rep. Daniel J. McGillicuddy.

The Johnson-Reed Immigration Act of 1924 did not affect the .?

The Johnson read immigration act of 1924 did not establish quotas of any kind for residents.