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The purpose was so the flies won't get in the jar.

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Q: What was the purpose of the gauze in the experiment using meat in a jar?
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What equipment did use in his experiment?

Redi used meat, glass jars, and gauze. He put 2 pieces of meat in 2 different jars, and covered one jar with the gauze.

What equipment did Redi use in us experiment?

Redi used meat, glass jars, and gauze. He put 2 pieces of meat in 2 different jars, and covered one jar with the gauze.

What equipment did redi used in his experiment Why was the gauze important?

Redi used Meat and Jars and the guaze was important becasue it was covering the flies away form the meat.

Why was the gauze important?

The gauze kept the flies off of the meat.

What Scientists experiment using meat and flies?

Scientists studying genetics and evolution often use meat to breed and culture fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) in the laboratory. Fruit flies are commonly used as model organisms in scientific research due to their short life cycle, ease of handling, and similarities in genetic makeup to humans. By studying fruit flies, scientists can gain insights into various biological processes, such as development, behavior, and disease.

Why was the gauze important in redi's experiment?

Gauze was important in Redi's experiment because it acted as a barrier that prevented flies from landing on the meat placed within the jars, thus disproving the idea of spontaneous generation from organic material. By using gauze, Redi was able to show that it was the presence of flies, not the meat itself, that led to the appearance of maggots.

What variables present in redi's experiment on spontaneous generation is not a controlled variable?

The presence of living organisms in the meat jars was not a controlled variable in Redi's experiment on spontaneous generation. This variable was dependent on the conditions set by Redi, rather than being controlled by him.

In redi's experiment what were the manipulated variable and responding variable?

In Redi's experiment on spontaneous generation, the manipulated variable was the presence or absence of gauze on the jars to prevent flies from accessing the meat, while the responding variable was the presence or absence of maggots developing on the meat.

Why francisco redi disprove the sponteneuos origin of life?

Francesco Redi disproved the spontaneous origin of life by conducting an experiment with jars containing meat. He showed that maggots only appeared in the jars where flies had access to the meat, while the jars covered with gauze to prevent flies from landing on the meat did not produce maggots. This experiment demonstrated that life does not arise spontaneously but is generated from pre-existing life forms.

What was Redi's experiment?

Francesco Redi's experiment in the 17th century involved placing meat in jars, some covered with gauze and some left open, to test the idea of spontaneous generation. He demonstrated that maggots did not spontaneously appear on the meat in the covered jars, disproving the prevailing theory at the time.

What is the independent variable of an experiment?

The independent variable is how each jar is covered. The dependent variable is the amount of maggots in each jar. The control groups are Jar1( no covering, left open), and Jar 2 (covered with netting). The experimental group is Jar 3 Sealed from the outside).

What is the appropriate control in an experiment on the effect of heat on meat?

Unheated meat.