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Q: What was the relationship between compromis if 1850 and ga platform?
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What was the platform of the American party in the 1850?


What is the policy adopted in 1850 that urged southern states to compromise and not secede?

The Georgia Platform

What was the purpose of the Georgia platform of 1850?

increased feelings of sectionalism in the SouthAccording to the Georgia Platform, the state of Georgia accepted the Compromise of 1850 as the final resolution on the issue of slavery. The platform also went on to say that Georgia would not tolerate any additional attacks by the North on the rights of people in the South. The Georgia Platform was very popular among Southern states and contributed to feelings of sectionalism in the region.

How many years were there between 393 AD and 1850?

1850-393= 1457

What is between 1600 and 2100?

1850 is halfway between them.

In 1852 What did Franklin Pierce support?

The main plank in the Democratic platform of 1852 was to uphold the Compromise of 1850 and Pierce agreed.

What was settled between 1850 and 1890?

where is the answer

Was there a relation between religion and government in the 1850's?

There was no relation between religion and government in the 1850's. Separation between religion and government was enacted in the 1700's.

What was invented between 1850-1920?

my mom

Which of theses caused problems between different cultural group in Northern cities after 1850?

Rome and Spain caused the majority of problems between groups in the northern cities after 1850.

Solving a border dispute between Texas and New Mexico was part of the?

Compromise of 1850

What was London like to live in between 1840 and 1850?

it was different to how it is today, earlier in the 1850's it was not very clean