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Two things. The pharaohs said they were chosen by Gods, that they were Gods, and became Gods after death.

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Q: What was the relationship between pharaoh and gods?
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What is the relationship between the sun god and the pharaoh's?

As far as I have read, the Pharaoh was considered "THE SON" of SUN GOD! As Sun God was the chief of all GODs in Egytian Mythology.

Why was the relationship between the Pharaoh and the gods Horus and Osiris important?

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There are many periods of Egyptian history throughout most of them, the pharaoh was viewed as the living embodiment of Horus, thus a god in the flesh.

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Peopel though Pharaohs were gods

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According to Egyptian theology the pharaoh derived his authority from?

Formal religious practice in ancient Egypt centered on the pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Although he was a human, the pharaoh was believed to be descended from the gods. He acted as the intermediary between his people and the gods, and was obligated to sustain the gods through rituals and offerings so that they could maintain order in the universe.

According to Egyptian theology the pharaoh derived his authority from what?

Formal religious practice in ancient Egypt centered on the pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Although he was a human, the pharaoh was believed to be descended from the gods. He acted as the intermediary between his people and the gods, and was obligated to sustain the gods through rituals and offerings so that they could maintain order in the universe.

Explain the pharaoh's ruling power?

The Pharaoh acted as a Sacrosanct Monarch who served as a intermediary between the Gods and man. Religion gave the Pharaohs their power and they were revered as gods on Earth.

How did the ancient egyptians worship?

The ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods. Their ruler, the Pharaoh, was believed to be descended from the gods. He is chosen to act as the intermediary between his people and the gods. He helped to please the gods by organizing rituals and offerings.

What was the relationship between the incas and their gods like?

the loved each other

What was the relationship between all the gods in Egypt?

They where all brothers and sisters.