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As always, nothing. The League of Nations spent most of their time sitting on their butts talking the talk and not walking the walk.

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Q: What was the respond of league of nations to axis?
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How did the Axis countries deal with the League of Nations?

The Axis countries pretty much ignored the League of Nations.

How did the Japanese respond to the disapproval of the league of nations?

After the condemnation, Italy and Japan withdrew from the League of Nations.

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Hich of these nations was not a member of the Axis?

The Soviet Union was not a member of the Axis nations.

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When did League of Nations become the United Nations?

The League of Nations never "became" the United Nations. The League of Nations was formed as a result of World War 1 and fell apart as the world moved into World War 2. During the War, those national with which the US and Britain were allied were often called "The United Nations." After the War, in 1946, a formal organization called The United Nations was created, but it was not a continuation of the old League of Nations, which had been discredited by its inability to respond to the increasing belligerency of Germany and Italy.

What international body was formed after World War 1?

The League of Nations.

What league was formed at the end of World War 2?

The League of Nations was formed after World War 1 and fell apart as a reslt of World War 2. The United Nations formed toward the end of World War 2, initially as an organization of nations opposed to the Axis Powers.

How did the League of Nations respond when Japan invaded invaded Manchuria?

The League did absolutely nothing about it. They figured they should leave well enough alone because it had no effect on them, so why bother?

What was the reaction from the other countries toward Axis expansion?

It was condemned by the League of Nations and most of its constituent nations objected, but lacking an enforcement arm or capacity to force conflicting nations to mediate, no proclomation of condemnation achieved anything.

How did the league of nations respond to Japan's invasion?

Due to the recent Wall Street Crash, those in the League of Nations were too poor to engage in war. So instead they all sat out.

Are axis controlled nations the same thing as axis nations?

In the context of World War II, Axis-controlled nations were not in fact the same thing as the Axis powers (or, nations) themselves. The main Axis powers, Germany, Italy, and Japan, invaded and then controlled numerous European and Asian nations and territories: these were occupied and used by the Axis Powers to further their own prosperity and ongoing war-efforts.