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Q: What was the result of jacksons distribution of money to his pet banks?
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i think it was Micheal jacksons this is it:)

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money supply is constant . so the money holdings will be high and banks does not have enough money to give loans. so as a result they are forced to increase the rate.

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What does it mean when banks are insured by the FDIC?

Banks that are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation are insured against loss as a result of the bank defaulting or otherwise being unable to repay a customer's money.

How bank create money?

Money is CREATED by governments, not banks. They store money. Banks also EARN money by loaning money to people. People pay the banks back more money than they borrow (interest)

Do banks iron money?

Banks do not iron money as this would burn it. The Royal Mint, who make the money, make it flat when it is made, and then send it to the banks like this. Ironing money is not recommended :)

What is meant by phrase distribution of wealth?

it is the distribution of money and wealth

How do banks use money?

they use money for money

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How did the economy respond to hoovers efforts?

Hoover bailed out the failing banks and big businesses with Federal money. The result was a market crash, and the Great Depression.