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Q: What was the role of emperor in feudal japan?
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What is the name of the leader that unified Feudal Japan?

emperor tojo

What is the role of the emperor in Japan?

controls them

What is the Japanese figure of the feudal warrior society whose role was similar to that of the knight in Medieval Europe?

The warrior class of Japan were known as the Bushi. They are more commonly referred to as Samurai.

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What was the emperor's role in Tokugawa Japan?

To RUle

What is the role of the emperor in modern japan?

controls them

What is the legacy of medieval japan?

the emperor and shoguns were the highest ran

Who was the emperor of feudal japan?

answer The supreme leader in feudal Japan were the Shogun, they were like a type of military dictator.

What was the role of the samurai in the militarized society of Japan in the 12th c.?

The samurai were hired to protect the shoguns, who were the landlords of feudal Japan.

How was feudal Europe similar and different to samurai Japan?

They both used the feudal system. The feudal system is a kind of culture in which the knights (in Japan, Samurai) owned most of the land and were responsible to the King (in Japan, Emperor), and basically ruled over the peasants.

How are hierarchies similar between Japan and Europe?

Europe and Japan were both feudal societies. Feudal systems contain hierarchies. The hierarchies in Japan and Europe were similar: king/emperor on the top, nobles next, then knights/samurai, then merchants and craftsmen, and lastly, peasants and serfs.

What was Hirohito role during World War 2?

Emperor of Japan .