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The manor was the estate of a feudal lord.

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Q: What was the role of manor in feudal England?
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What was the role of manor in feudalism?

The manor was the estate of a feudal lord.

What role did the feudal manor play in Western European society in the Middle Ages?

The Manor ade Feudalism possible

What role did a artisan play in the feudal manor system?

An Artisan provided for the needs of the manor, a chapel, forest for hunting, and pastureland for farm animals.

Who was a manor ruled by?

In feudal times, the manor was ruled by the Lord of the Manor.

How was the manor the basis of feudal economy?

The Manor, or lord's estate, was the basis of the feudal economy .Everything that people needed was grown or madeon the Manor.

Who made the laws on a feudal manor?

The Lord of the Manor or the King.

What role did the artisans play in the feudal system?

An Artisan provided for the needs of the manor, a chapel, forest for hunting, and pastureland for farm animals.

How was the manor the basis of the feudal economy?

The manor economy was based around the village, of which there might be many in a large manor

What is a large estate given to a feudal lord?

a manor

What was life on feudal manor based upon?


What was the surf's role in the feudal system?

It's SERF - they were effectively the peasants working under the local lord of the manor. Essentially, serfdom was little more than slavery.

Name three places that were found on a feudal manor?

MewsGreat Hallbattlements