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During World War I, food shortages had pushed prices up and created hardships for people in the U.S. Also, rationing made sure that people got what they needed, without excess and with minimal waste. This helped conserve our limited resources and the rest of the materials were sent to the troops.

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Q: What was the role of price controls and rationing on the home front in World War 1?
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How was inflation combated during World War 2?

price and wage control, rationing

How do price act as a rationing device?

prices can not act as rationing device

What organization oversaw all wartime rationing in world war 2?

Office of Price Administration (OPA)

In a free competitive market what is the rationing mechanism?

Price is the rationing mechanism. Whoever can afford it, will by it.

How did World War 2 rationing and price controls contribute to increased postwar consumption?

World War II rationing restricted the purchase of gas, sugar, flour, nylons and many other staples that Americans had learned to love. When they were restricted, people craved them. In post war America, when the restrictions were lifted, many people flocked to the stores to buy up the products they missed, increasing product consumption greatly.

How did the nation experience recovery and economic prosperity after world war 2?

After WWII, the nation had to make sacrifices to recover. They had higher taxes, price controls, and rationing. Many people are saying these things would be useful to help the US recover from today's economic troubles.

Why would rent controls result in higher incidence of racial or age discrimination?

Price serves as a rationing device. Suppliers must determine to whom their production will bedistributed. In a free market economy, this is accomplished through the price mechanism. Thosewho are willing and able to purchase the product will receive the product. Rent controls reducethe ability of landlords to distribute housing services based solely on price. Therefore, they canresort to other mechanisms, such as bribery and favoritism. Unfortunately, some will resort tousing racial or age discrimination as the rationing mechanism.

Know the name of the government agency responsible for rationing during the World War 2?

The Office of Price Administration administered the Food Ration Program and other rationing in the United States. The Food Department of the Board of Trade (Food Ministry) administrated the food rationing in Great Britain.

Did soldiers get ration books in World War 2?

Yes. All countries involved in WW2 (and all occupied territories) had rationing and ration books. The only alternative to rationing by coupons would have been rationing by price. In most cases, this would have sent the prices of essentials sky high.

Who controls the price of gasoline?

the government controls the price of gasoline

What effect did rations have on meat prices?

In the UK, anyway, most food prices were fixed while rationing was in force. One of the main purposes of rationing by coupons was to avoid rationing by price. :)

How was inflation controlled during the World War 2?

FDR put wage and price increases in place and instituted rationing of scare commodities.