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indigo, rice, and corn were all important crops in the southern colonies

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Q: What was the second most important crop in the sourthern colony?
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Most important cash crop grown in the Virginia colony?


What cash crop did the Jamestown colony send to Europe?

The cash crop that the colony Jamestown had was tobacco.

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What cash crop helped the Virginia Colony grow and prosper?

Tobacco. It was very important crop for the colonists and helped them to build up a lot of wealth.

What was the most cash important cash crop for Jamestown?

Tabacco, it saved the colony from ending up like Roanoke.

What was Two colony's where tobacco was an important crop?

Georgia and the Carolinas colonies were early growers of tobacco in North America.

What crop helped the English colony of Virginia survive?

The crop that most helped the Virginia colony was tobacco. This was also the main reason why most settlers settled in this colony.

How did cornbread become a sourthern food?

People in the south grew corn as a major crop so they used the corn to make cornbread and other dishes with corn.

Was the crop that built the early economy in the English colony of Virginia?

Tobacco was the primary crop.

Why was tobacco important to south Carolina?

It was the most valuable crop in the state/colony. It gives them money to buy other things that are important to them. basically it was just their "cash crop" per-say.

What was the most profitable cash crop in the Virginia colony sold to England?

Tobacco was the most profitable cash crop in the Virginia colony sold to England

What was the main crop of Virgina?

The main crop of Virginia was tobacco. This was mainly grown in Jamestown and served as the main cash crop in the colony.