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Q: What was the significance of having thr same written language used throughout the country of Chinese?
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What was the significance of having the same written language used throughout the country of China?

Using the same language through out the country keeps every single citizen and resident of the country updated, connected and well informed not only with information but with every way of life. A person traveling from one city to other would not have communication problems because there are no language barriers.

Is Australia's official language English?

No. Australia does not have an official language. English is the default language throughout the country.

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How did language help unify China?

The Chinese written language helped unify a large and diverse land. The different regions of China didn't have much in common (different cultures and dialects), but the written language was universal, so people from all over China could communicate with each other.

Why is very useful for australians to study Chinese language?

Because Australians are from a foreign country and even Chinese are foreigns.......

Where was the Chinese language originated?

The Chinese language originated in China, with its history dating back thousands of years. It has evolved over time into different dialects and regional variations, but it remains one of the oldest written languages still in use today.

What country does the word catsup originate from?

Catsup (or ketchup) is derived from the Chinese language.

Is Pokémon White only in the Chinese language?

No, while it did come out in Japan, it will be translated into the language of the country you are in IF you buy it in that country. It will come out in America on April 1, 2011.

Language barrier between the Mongols and the Chinese?

modern mongolian in the country of Mongolia is mostly written in the alphabet of the Russians. mongolian and Chinese belong to two different language family Chinese is in sino-tibetan, where mongolian is not a member of this language family... so... yeah, mongols and Chinese speak different language, but most mongolians living in inner Mongolia (within the Chinese border) is pretty fluent in Chinese.

What country uses Chinese language in their written language?

Many other Asian countries use Chinese characters. One is Japan (although they have both a syllabary and an alphabet that they use too).

English as the second language in Nigeria?

English is the official language of Nigeria. Since Nigeria has over 500 documented languages currently spoken throughout the country, the decision to make English the official language was due to years of British colonialism, English was commonly spoken throughout the country.