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The slogan for the french revolution is Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.

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Q: What was the slogan of the middle class in the French Revolution?
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In french which was a major result of the French revolution?

A major result of the French revolution was that the middle class gained political influence.

What was the name of the middle class during the French Revolution?

The Burgeois.

Who were the bourgeoisie during the french revolution?

middle class people

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High class: Middle class:Bourgeoisie Lower class:

How did the peasants win french revolution?

They didn't. The revolution was made by the urban middle class, supported by the urban poor. Such benefits as came from the revolution went to the middle class. Peasants in the countryside were hardly affected at all.

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What was another name for the middle class during the french revolution?

la Bourgeoisie

Slogans of french revolution?

The slogan was "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" (liberty, equality, fraternity (brotherhood)). The French Revolution (1789-1793) attempted to establish a democratic government in place of the monarchy, partly due to the excesses of the aristocrat class. This eventually became the official motto of the French Republic.

Whose angry feelings was an immediate cause of the French Revolution?

The lower and middle class' feelings.

How did the middle class growing in wealth and power affect the French Revolution?

siiimle kln kl .

Which statement is a valid generalization about the immediate results of the French Revolution of 1789?

The French middle class gained more power

Who were the third estate people during the french revolution?

Middle class, peasants, city workers, and bourgeoise.