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Q: What was the social impact of oil on the 20th century?
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What importaint accomplishments did the Romans make in the area of architecture?

The Romans have no influence in engineering because of the huge advances in technology. The Romans did use oil and there was no electricity. They did not have have combustion engines or electrical motors. Knowledge of how to make Roman concrete was lost and modern concrete is different from Roman concrete. The Romans influenced European architecture, sculpture and painting until the early 20th century. They influenced the art of the Renaissance (14th-15th century) Baroque (17th-18th century) and Neoclassicism (18th-20th century, and is still sometimes used today). Palladian architecture was also based on Roman architecture. It was popular from the 17th century to the 20th century and was often used for public buildings. Latin literature was very influential in European literature until the mid-20th century.

What did they use for hand cream in 19th century America?

Castor oil, animal fat, olive oil, and corn oil were used as hand creams in the 19th century.

What was a potential sources of power for US industry?

A potential source of power for US industry was coal. The abundant coal reserves in the United States were used to fuel steam engines and power industrial machinery, particularly during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Furthermore, hydroelectric power from rivers and dams also became an important source of energy for US industry in the 20th century.

Who developed the steel and oil industries in the US?

John D. Rockefeller developed the Standard Oil Company which was the leader of the Oil industry in the U.S in the late 19th century. Andrew Carnegie boomed the Steel industry in the late 19th century and ended up selling the Carnegie Steel Company to John P. Morgan.

Which is the oldest crown jewel?

This is the 12th Century Anointing Spoon, used to anoint the monarch with holy oil at coronations.

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Where was oil first discovered in Texas in the early 20th Century?

. Spindletop

What year did Kuwait discover oil?

It was discovered in 1938.

Why have coal oil and natural gas been used in the 20th century to produce electricity?


What is the social impact of using crude oil?

oil obviously provides significant benefits to society.

Who invented the gasoline gas?

In the late 19th and early 20th century oil was distilled to produce kerosene for lanterns and the byproducts was gasoline

Who painted the joy of life?

Henri Matisse Born 1869-1954 painted The Joy of Life in the 20th century (1905-06) which is an oil on canvas.

How did the discovery of middle eastern oil in the 20th century influence international organizations politics?

It led Western states to interfere with Middle Eastern governments.

What impact did John D Rockefeller have on the oil industry of the late 19th century?

he basically made it! he basically made it! Hes found oil and made the Statue of Liberty!

What were some major examples of the growth of Southern industry in the last quarter century of the 1800s?

Southern industrialization did not occur on a grand scale until the early 20th century. However, at the end of the 19th century, Southern railway systems had greatly expanded, especially in Texas. At the turn of the century, the first major oil well was drilled, bringing about the Southern "Oil boom."

Why did western countries hope to influence governments in the middle east during the 20th century?

To ensure that Middle Eastern leaders would continue supplying them with oil

What are the negative social impact of tourism?

they way tourists are wearing can attracts locals

Why did western countries hope to influence government in the middle east during the early 20th century?

To ensure that Middle Eastern leaders would continue supplying them with oil