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Q: What was the source of conflict between the Edwards brothers and the Mexican government?
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Why Ben Edwards seized the Old Stone Fort in Nacogdoches?

Haden Edwards had been given an empresario contract by the Mexican government in 1825 to settle 800 families near Nacogdoches. When Haden Edwards arrived in East Texas he found that there were already people living on the land that was part of his empresario contract. The terms of his contract required him to respect the property rights of people already there. Many people did not receive land titles or could not find them. Haden Edwards offered to sell them new land titles. The settlers complained to the Mexican government. The Mexican government said that Haden Edwards could not charge people for new land titles. The Mexican government then canceled Haden Edwards' empresario contract in October 1826. Benajmin Edwards, the brother of Haden Edwards, took matters into their own hands. Benjamin Edwards and a group of settlers and Cherokee Indians part of East Texas to be the independent Republic of Fredonia. Benjamin Edwards and his men rode into Nacogdoches and took over the Old Stone Fort and adopted a declaration of independence for their republic.

Who is Hayden Benjamin Edwards?

Hayden Edwards is the one man who was in the fredonian was his brother benjirmin Edwards they took over nachodoches and the Mexican army was scared of them

What town did Haden and Benjamin Edwards want to take over?

Nacogdoches, Texas.After Mexico got its independence from Spain in the 1820's, it found that huge parts of its northern territory were sparsely populated. So a law was passed that would allow Americans to immigrate and colonize these lands in what is now Texas. Certain Americans, like Haden Edwards, were hired as "empresarios", who would act sort of like special governors to rule over the colonies for Mexico.The problem was, long story short, that Edwards was kind of a jerk, and treated the people there like crap. When the people complained to the Mexican government, the government rescinded Edwards's license, effectively firing him. Edwards ignored the firing and continued to rule; eventually he started a rebellion, and renamed Nacogdoches "Fredonia".However, "Fredonia" didn't last long- a little over a month. The Mexican government sent an army to end the rebellion, and Edwards and his small band of rebels eventually fled back to the United States, where they stayed until the Texas Revolution started in 1836.

When did Fredonian Rebellion happen?

in 1827 the Edwards brothers brought settlers from the us to Texas. since their land was full with people unknown they tried to talk to Mexico but they almost ignored so they fought and lost. this revolt worried Mexico about us invasion

Why did the Mexican government worry about the loyalty of the new settlers?


Related questions

How did the government of the US and Mexico respond th the fredonian rebellion?

The Mexican government sent soldiers to restore order and American settlers under Austin helped the Mexican troops due to their conflict with the leader of the fredonian rebellion Haden Edwards.

How was the conflict with Americans in Texas and the Mexican government resolved?

to many bad people

Why Ben Edwards seized the Old Stone Fort in Nacogdoches?

Haden Edwards had been given an empresario contract by the Mexican government in 1825 to settle 800 families near Nacogdoches. When Haden Edwards arrived in East Texas he found that there were already people living on the land that was part of his empresario contract. The terms of his contract required him to respect the property rights of people already there. Many people did not receive land titles or could not find them. Haden Edwards offered to sell them new land titles. The settlers complained to the Mexican government. The Mexican government said that Haden Edwards could not charge people for new land titles. The Mexican government then canceled Haden Edwards' empresario contract in October 1826. Benajmin Edwards, the brother of Haden Edwards, took matters into their own hands. Benjamin Edwards and a group of settlers and Cherokee Indians part of East Texas to be the independent Republic of Fredonia. Benjamin Edwards and his men rode into Nacogdoches and took over the Old Stone Fort and adopted a declaration of independence for their republic.

What was the major point of conflict between settlers in Texas and the Mexican government?

Slavery. See related questions.

Who Did The Mexican Revolution Fight Against In The 1910-1920s?

The conflict known as Mexican Revolution, between 1910 and 1921 was a civil war between different warlords or caudillos and the Mexican government.

How did Mexican government respond to Texas rebellions?

They were mad. Santa Anna Mexican president at that time sent 6000 troops to Texas. In conflict there were couple of battles.

How did the Mexican government respond Texas rebellion?

They were mad. Santa Anna Mexican president at that time sent 6000 troops to Texas. In conflict there were couple of battles.

How did Mexican government respond to the Texas rebellion?

They were mad. Santa Anna Mexican president at that time sent 6000 troops to Texas. In conflict there were couple of battles.

Who is Hayden Benjamin Edwards?

Hayden Edwards is the one man who was in the fredonian was his brother benjirmin Edwards they took over nachodoches and the Mexican army was scared of them

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No, they aren't.

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What did Edwards try to do that upset Cherokee and Mexican families in east Texas?

what did edwards try to do that upset cherokee and meican families in east texas