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The Spartan army was made up of Spartan men who have been trained in the art of warfare since they could walk.

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Q: What was the spartan army made up of?
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Did spartan boys leave school and join the army?

No, there was no school for spartan boys. From the age of six; legitamate, pure spartan boys started their rigorous training for the army.

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Why would the Spartans fight a Spartan army? At the pass of Thermopylae 300 Spartan heavy infantry and 2,100 Spartan light infantry were part of a Greek force of about 8,000 which fought a delaying action against a Persian army in 480 BCE.

How many spartan led the greek army?

Where and when.

What groups made up the red army and the white army?

the Bolshieviks made up the Red army, and the Non-communists made up the White army

Did Spartan men become servants of the army until they were 60 years of age?

Yes, Spartan men were expected to serve in the military from the age of 20 until they were 60 years old. This was part of the agoge system, which aimed to train and discipline Spartan citizens for warfare.

When did the spartan army defeat thebes?

in 371 b.c

Did the Spartan army defeat Thebes?

in 371 b.c

How were the government and the army related in sparta-?

In Sparta, the government and the army were heavily intertwined. The government, known as the Spartan oligarchy, was made up of two kings and a council of elders called the Gerousia. The kings were also the leaders of the Spartan army and held significant military authority. This close relationship between the government and the army ensured that the military played a central role in the political and social life of the state.