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Q: What was the traditional capital of Assyria?
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Was the capital of assyria was at nineveh on the Tigris river?

Correct. Ninevah was the capital of Assyria and situated on the Tigris River.

Was the capital of Assyria Nineveh on the Tigris River?

Yes, Nineveh was the famous capital of ancient Assyria, located on the Tigris River.

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What was the capitol of Assyria?

First ancient assyria's capital is Assur The most well known Ancient Assyria's capital is Nineveh. The religious capital in the hearts of the Assyrian people was Caleh.

Is the capital of assyria was at nineveh on the Tigris river?

Yes, Nineveh was the famous capital of ancient Assyria, located on the Tigris River.

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The last capital was Harran in 608 BC

Where was the second capital of Assyria located?

At Ninevah

Is the capital of Assyria at Nineveh at the Tigris river?


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It was the area of modern Iraq. They became empires. First were the Sumerian followed by the Assyrians. The capital was the city of Nineveh. Then came the Babylon empire which the city was the capital.

Where is the capital of the assreans?

Assyria was the kingdom of northern Mesopotamia. It was an independent state in the 14th century BC. Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian Empire.

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