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Q: What was the typewriter invented by in 1808?
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Who invented the typewriter and in which year?

Italian Pellegrino Turri Invented a Typewriter In 1808

What date were typewriters invented?

Italian Pellegrino Turri invented a typewriter in 1808.

Was the typewriter used in World War 1?

Yes, it had been invented in 1808 and the first commercial production in 1870. By 1874 there was a typewriter sold in America.

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what typewriter was invented in the 1940?

When was a typewriter was invented?

the typewriter was invented in 1868 by christopher sholes

What is a manual typewriter?

A manual typewriter is the typewriter that was used before the Electric Typewriter was invented.

Why was the first typewriter first invented?

Henry Mill invented the typewriter in 1714

When first typewriter was invented?

Typewriter was first invented in 1714 , by henry mill

What is manual typewriting?

A manual typewriter is the typewriter that was used before the Electric Typewriter was invented.

The man who invented the typewriter miles bartholomew?

Actually, the typewriter was not invented by Miles Bartholomew. The typewriter was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1868, who patented the first practical and commercially successful typewriter. Miles Bartholomew is not associated with the invention of the typewriter.

When was the first typewriter created?

In Britain in 1714, Henry Mill patented a machine that was very similar to what we know as a typewriter. An Italian named Pellegrino Turri invented a typewriter sometime prior to 1808. In 1829, an American named William Austin Burt patented a machine called the "Typowriter". He is usually called the Father of the typewriter.

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