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Q: What was the vote count of Arizona becoming a state?
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What were the advantage's of becoming a state?

Federal funding.

Why is Arizona's state amphibian called the treefrog?

The Arizona Tree Frog was made state amphibian of Arizona after it was elected so by a statewide vote of school children in 1985.

Which state had the greatest electoral-vote count in the 1800s?


When did the State of Georgia allow 18 year olds to vote?

In Arizona, I was able to vote in the presidential election at 18...that would have been 1972.

Why does every state have to vote the same day?

so they can count the votes one time and not alot

How many votes did each state have during the constitutional convention?

One vote, no matter the delegates. If a state was divided, its vote didn't count. If there weren't two or more delegates in attendance, the remaining delegate's state didn't have a vote (the only example of this was New York).

If this country is becoming a police state how do we stop it and when do we get stsrtesSoon I hope I'm 68?

If you are 68 then you know the only way we can keep our country from becoming a police state is to vote the right people into office.

What is the position of Arizona State Senator Steve Gallardo on the pending bills to legalize same-sex marriage in Arizona?

Mr. Gallardo introduced the bills and will doubtlessly vote in favor of them.

The 2000 presidential election finally ended with the exact vote count in which state?

The 2000 presidential election finally ended with the exact vote count in the state of Florida. The final margin of victory was extremely close, with George W. Bush winning the state by just 537 votes. This slim margin ultimately decided the outcome of the entire election.

If you don't vote in primary election can you vote in general election in Arizona?


Why does the Public Vote if only the electoral votes count?

The public votes to select who the Electoral delegates will vote for. In most states, state law dictates that the Electoral delegates must vote for the candidate who won their state's election. At least one state awards Electoral votes to the candidate who wins each Congressional district.

What was the vote count to remove Rod Blagojevich from office?

Blagojevich was subsequently convicted and removed from office on January 29, 2009 by a unanimous 59-0 vote in the Illinois State Senate.