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'Science' comes from the Latin scientia, knowledge, which derives from sciens, scientis, the present participle of the verb scire, to know.

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Q: What was the word origin of science?
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To trace the origin of science and technology, you would need to research the history of science and technology to learn the origins of it.

What is scince?

I'm not sure what scince is. but i know what science is.answ2. The origin of the word science comes from the Greeks, where the word means 'to know'. We use also the word in the same sense in Conscience (against what I know); omniscience (all knowing); and Prescience (knowing beforehand).So science concerns knowledge. Things that are facts.

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the origin is where the word came from but the specific origin of the word ballot is latin root word.

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Sociology emerged in the 19th century as a response to modernization, industrialization, and urbanization. Early sociologists such as Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim laid the foundations of the field by studying social structures, institutions, and behaviors. Over time, sociology evolved to incorporate various theoretical perspectives and research methodologies, leading to the diverse field of study that exists today.

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According to me the science of origin of the earth and the origin of the life studies the way and method and their existense and not the source of their origins

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The word "origin" is derived from the French word "origin" and the Latin word "originem," both of which mean, beginning, descent, birth, and rise.

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