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bamboo chip, cloth and silk cloth

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Q: What was used before paper in china?
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Was paper money used in china before adopted in the US?

yes because china made paper money first.

What are the origins of silver paper?

Gelatin silver paper was originally created in 1874. The paper originated in China and was used as notebook paper before being used a currency.

How was paper used in China?

how was paper usd in china

What are the origins of silver?

Gelatin silver paper was originally created in 1874. The paper originated in China and was used as notebook paper before being used a currency.

What was used before toilet paper in china?

They used just normal paper they didnt start using toilet paper until the 6th century AD

What was ancient China's paper used for?

Paper in ancient China was primarily used for writing on. But shortly after the invention of paper in China, the Chinese found many other uses for it. They made paper kites, books, paper umbrellas, paper fans that were written or drawn on, paper windows (before glass was invented), and a whole bunch of other things. Also they did use it for clothing, early forms of silk, and shoes.

What paper is used to test water?

Its the china paper which is used to test water...

What country first used paper?


Who is the first who invented the paper?

China in about AD 705 by a scholar called Ts'ai Lun. But berch bark was used a paper long before Ts'ai Lun invented something closer to our modern pressed paper.

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Which of these innovations was first used in Han china?
