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Steam engines however these were used in heavy cumbersome vehicles when they were used in transport. however factory's generally got their power from steam.

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Q: What was used before the internal combustion engine?
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When was internal combustion engine invented?

The internal combustion engine was invented in 1876 by German engineer Nikolaus August Otto. Otto's engine, commonly known as the "Otto engine," was the first successful four-stroke engine and revolutionized the way people think about and use engines. The internal combustion engine has since become a crucial technology for powering everything from cars and boats to generators and airplanes.

When the fuel is used by the engine what energy transformation takes place?


Is Hydrogen a renewable or nonrenewable energy source?

Hydrogen is a nonrenewable source of energy when used for nuclear fusion (which is still not a technologically attainable power generation mechanism). When used as an energy carrier for oxidation (e.g. fuel cell, and internal combustion engine) hydrogen is not an energy source. In such applications, hydrogen is a man-made resource.

What is device that transforms thermal energy to mechanical energy?

Steam engine is a device that transforms thermal energy into mechanical energy. An internal combustion engine (I.C Engine) can transform thermal energy into mechanical energy. In nuclear power plant also the heat energy released is used to turn the turbine and thus thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy of rotation of turbine. This mechanical energy of turbine is further converted into electrical energy in generator.

Which piece of of the jet engine creates the thrust?

There are three types of jet engines that are used on aircraft, the turbojet- the turbofan and the pulsejet which is rarely used the turbofan is usually used on most common airliners and uses a combination of compressing fans in the mouth of the duct and then sends the compressed air to the COMBUSTION CHAMBER where its ignited and then it rushes out the back of the engine!

Related questions

What engine is an example of an internal combustion engine?

The four-stroke engine used in automobiles is an example of an internal combustion engine.

In an internal combustion engine what is used as a source of thermal energy?


What were the first automobiles powered by?

They were powered by steam engines.

What type of engine is used in sports car?

An internal combustion engine.

Open cycle for an internal combustion engine?

No return path for the working fluid to be used as before No return path for the working fluid to be used as before

What is the internal combustion engine needed for?

The internal combustion engine is used in almost everything that needs power or motive traction. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, ships, aircraft, and many other things use internal combustion engines. The internal combustion engine is needed to convert fuel chemical energy to rotational mechanical energy, which can now be used for many different applications.

What is Used engine oil?

Oil that has been removed from an internal combustion engine after being used as a lubricant in that engine.

What Measurement is used to describe power of an internal combustion engine?


How are internal and external combustion different?

In terms of engines, an external combustion engine such as a steam engine burns fuel outside of the pressure cylinder used to drive the piston. An internal combustion engine such as a petrol or diesel engine burns the fuel inside the pressure cylinder used to drive the piston.

What is engine oil?

Oil that has been removed from an internal combustion engine after being used as a lubricant in that engine.

Difference between internal combustion engines and external combustion engines?

In an Internal Combustion Engine, the fuel is burned in the cylinder or vessel. Eg. Diesel or Petrol engine used in Cars.Internal engine has its energy ignited in the cylinder, like 99.9% of engines today.In an External Combustion Engine, the internal working fuel is not burned. Here the fluid is being heated from an external source. The fuel is heated and expanded through the internal mechanism of the engine resulting in work. Eg. Steam Turbine, Steam engine Trains. An external combustion example is a steam engine where the heating process is done in an boiler out side the engine.

What is a combustion engine best used for?

The most popular combustion engine is the internal combustion engine. It is used most often in spark ignition engines such as cars or lawn mowers. Diesel combustion engines are generally large trucks and construction vehicles.