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In terms of engines, an external combustion engine such as a steam engine burns fuel outside of the pressure cylinder used to drive the piston. An internal combustion engine such as a petrol or diesel engine burns the fuel inside the pressure cylinder used to drive the piston.

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Q: How are internal and external combustion different?
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Does a truck use an external or internal combustion engine.?

Internal combustion engine.

What is the most important difference between and internal combustion engine and an external combustion engine?

in internal combustion engine combustion happens internally in cylinder and in external combustion engine combustion happens externally in boiler

Is steam power plant is internal combustion or external combustion engine?

A steam engine is an external combustion engine.

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They are both internal combustion engines

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What is the most important difference between an international combustion engine and an external combustion engine?

in internal combustion engine combustion happens internally in cylinder and in external combustion engine combustion happens externally in boiler

Difference between internal combustion engines and external combustion engines?

In an Internal Combustion Engine, the fuel is burned in the cylinder or vessel. Eg. Diesel or Petrol engine used in Cars.Internal engine has its energy ignited in the cylinder, like 99.9% of engines today.In an External Combustion Engine, the internal working fuel is not burned. Here the fluid is being heated from an external source. The fuel is heated and expanded through the internal mechanism of the engine resulting in work. Eg. Steam Turbine, Steam engine Trains. An external combustion example is a steam engine where the heating process is done in an boiler out side the engine.

Does a truck use external or internal combustion engine?

Currently they are all internal combustion, the last steam powered truck was built in 1945.

Are both Gasoline and diesel engines classified as external combustion engines?

No, they are both internal combustion engines.

What are the types of combustion?

The main types of combustion are complete combustion, which produces carbon dioxide and water, and incomplete combustion, which produces carbon monoxide, soot, and other pollutants. Another type is spontaneous combustion, which occurs without an external ignition source due to high temperatures and combustible materials.

What are the two types of heat engines?

internal and external combustion engine

Why do cars use internal combustion engines rather than external combustion engines?

The term "Internal combustion" means the burning, or combustion of the fuel/air is detonated in an enclosed cylinder under compression, driving piston down. If the combustion was external, there would simply be an explosion in the air that produces no power.