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Q: What was used to make a coffee substitute given to American troops in World War 2?
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What was the nickname of American troops in World War 1?

The American troups were called doughboys in World War I.

What were American troops called in World War 1?


How many american troops in World War 2?

Around 16 Million US troops were deployed during World War 2.

Where did the American troops arrive in World War 1?

west of france

How were American troops used in Russia in World War 1?

American troops were used in Russia during there revolution along with English troops fighting on the side of the whites defending the Czar against the reds.

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Which battle was the first major victory for American troops during World War 1?

Which battle was the first major victory for american troops in ww1

How were American World War 2 troops transported in Europe?

Mostly by Train and Ship. Later by truck and foot.

How many American troops were there by the end of World War 1?

By he end of WW1, around 52,000 troops were killed, and more than 200,000 troops were injured. tHis, compared to the some 4,700,000 American troops sent in, America left Europe bruised, but not broken.

What World War I battle in 1918 involve American troops?

Battle of Amies

How many American troops served in combat during world war?


How many troops went to war in world war 1?

Throughout the war the number of American Troops continued to grow in response to the position of the war. By August 1918, there were nearly 1,500,000 American troops in the European Campaign.