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Q: What was your pulse after excercising?
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Why does your pulse rate increase after excercising?

your pulse rate increases when you excercise because the blood pumps round your body faster, therefore your heart does to and because your heart rate pumps faster, so does your pulse rate. by sade. age 10.

How many calories would a 130 pound person burn excercising four times a week for fifty minutes?

Depends entirely on what pulse rate those exercises are spent on.

What is a healthy pulse for a woman who is pregnant?

My wife has 88 in pulse and she is in week 13.

Why is your lower stomach noisy when you jump around while excercising?

Most likely this is the water you consumed prior to excercising.

What are the effects of not excercising?

you may get fat

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What are the Benefits to sedentary lifestyle?

no strain on muscles be proud of excercising get tired of excercising anyways helps you think more positive happier and healthier

How long should you spend exercising a week?

The reccomended time for excercising a day is 1 hour, so you should be excercising 7 hours or more a week.

How does the muscle system help us move?

by excercising

How do you get your agility at soccer?

by excercising try using a ladder

Best drink to drink after excercising?

Chocolate Milk

How do you make muscles bigger and stronger?

by lying By excercising