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Q: What was your reaction to gus's daydream at the end of the story?
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basically its this guy that at first talks about how horrible his life is and then he talks about how wonderful it is and how he lives in a castle and at the end it ends up that the wonderful life was a daydream and the castle was in the sky.

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Framton's nervousness and habit of creating wild stories as a coping mechanism are clues early on that foreshadow his gullibility and susceptibility to Vera's trickery at the end of the story.

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Charley's reaction to Buddy at the end of the story is one of shock and disbelief. He is surprised to see Buddy alive and well after their encounter in the forest, and his anger fades as he realizes the truth about Buddy's intentions. Ultimately, Charley is relieved and grateful for Buddy's help in finding his way back home.

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At first, Okeke is disappointed with his son's choice to marry outside of their tribe. This disappointment stems from his strong adherence to tradition and the fear of losing cultural identity. However, witnessing his son's happiness and the strength of their relationship causes Okeke to reassess his beliefs and eventually accept his son's marriage, realizing that love transcends cultural boundaries.

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The end product of the light reactions is ATP and NADPH, which are then used in the dark reactions to produce glucose through the Calvin cycle.

When did Reaction Records end?

Reaction Records ended in 1967.

What is the ending of the story?

The end of a story is called the denouement.

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The End - story - was created in 1953.

Why do authors put poems at the end of a story?

It could be any one of a number of reasons. Perhaps the author is trying to gauge the reader's reaction if they decided to branch out into poetry.

Why did Walter mitty imagine himself facing a firing squad at the end?

Walter Mitty imagined himself facing a firing squad at the end of the story to show his desire for a more adventurous and significant life. This daydream reflects his longing to escape from his mundane existence and seek excitement and courage in his imagination. It serves as a cathartic moment for him to experience bravery and valor in a world of his own creation.