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The cotton kingdom

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Q: What wast the area from South Carolina through Alabama and Mississippi Texas was known as?
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What are the four south states?

South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama

Which states in the southeast have warm climates most of the year?

Florida,Luisiana,Mississippi,Alabama,Georgia,South Carolina,North Carolina ,and Virginia

Is Alabama north o south of Tennessee?

Alabama is south of Tennessee. Tennessee is bordered by Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi to the south, Kentucky and Virginia to the north, North Carolina to the east, and Arkansas and Missouri to the west.

Which state is located between Alabama and South Carolina?

The state between Mississippi and Georgia is Alabama.

What states were part of of the confederate states of the US?

In alphabetical order: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. Missouri and Kentucky also had confederate "governments" that were rival to the "official" state governments that remained part of the Union.

What are 5 confederate states?

Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Georgia

What were some slave state?

Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, North CArolina, Louisianna,Tennessee

What states were part of the cotton belt?

Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennesse

What states did the Freedom Riders go through to get from DC to Alabama?

The Freedom Riders were a group of Civil Right's activists. They rode through Georgia, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and ending in New Orleans, Louisiana.

What states seceded in the south?

South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

What three states border Tennessee?

Tennessee is bordered by Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi to the south. Tennessee is bordered by Kentucky and Virginia to the north, North Carolina to the east, and Arkansas and Missouri to the west.

What state borders Tennessee on the south?

Tennessee is bordered by eight states. Tennessee is bordered by Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi to the south, Kentucky and Virginia to the north, North Carolina to the east, and Arkansas and Missouri to the west.