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Q: What waste product that leaves through the skin you can taste?
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What is the waste products you can taste through the leaves skin?

The waste product you can taste through the skin of leaves is called tannin. Tannins are a type of polyphenol that can give a bitter or astringent taste to leaves, especially those of certain plants like tea and grapes.

What is the end waste product of photosynthesis?

Oxygen gas is a waste from this process, and lucky for us that it is because it is given off through the leaves to replenish our atmosphere. The other waste product is water, also given off through the leaves.

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Carbon Dioxide Leaves Oxygen

4 substance that enters and leaves through the cell membrane?

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How do plants remove their waste products?

Plants remove waste products through a process called transpiration, where excess water and waste gases are released through openings in their leaves called stomata. Some waste products are also stored in vacuoles within plant cells or broken down and reused through various metabolic processes.

Liquid waste leaves the body after passing through the?

liquid wastes leaves the body after passing the kidneys and bladder, as the kidney remove waste products from the blood

How do plants give waste?

Plants produce waste through the process of respiration, where they release carbon dioxide as a byproduct. They also excrete waste products through their roots into the surrounding soil. Additionally, plants may shed old or damaged leaves as a form of waste.

What does photosynthesis convert water and carbon dioxide into when it uses sunlight?

Sugars, such as glucose and sucrose, with an oxygen waste product that is diffused through the leaves into the atmosphere. 6CO2 + 6H2O --> C6H12O6 +6O2

What enters the blood and leaves the blood?

Oxygen (O2) enters the blood through inhalation and is circulated throughout the body. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is filtered out of the blood as a waste product and exhaled.

What waste product of the body passes through anus?
