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In any set of different wavelengths, the wave which has the shortest wavelength is the wave which has the highest frequency.

This is true is because any wave's frequency and wavelength are directly related by the speed at which the wave travels along: its 'speed of propogation'.

The relevant formula is wavelength x frequency = speed of propogation.

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A radio wave is an electromagnetic wave. It's a form of electromagnetic radiation.

The term "radio" is the name given to a part of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves that is used for radio and television broadcasting, mobile phones, terrestrial and satellite wireless communications networks, etc.

The whole wide spectrum of electromagnetic waves has frequencies (and wavelengths) ranging from "audio" to "radio" to "infrared" to "visual light" to "X-Rays", and beyond to "gamma rays" at the very top end of the spectrum.

Frequency and wavelength are directly related by the speed at which the wave travels: its "speed of propogation".

The relevant formula is wavelength x frequency = speed of propogation.

The speed of propogation of electromagnetic waves travelling through space is approximately 186,000 miles per second. (About 300,000 kilometers per second.)

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2w ago

Gamma rays have the highest frequencies of electromagnetic waves, ranging from about 10^19 Hz to over 10^24 Hz. They have the shortest wavelength and highest energy among all electromagnetic waves.

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15y ago

To ... flowchart: cosmic ray->gamma->X-ray->UV->light->IR->radio wave/// Radio wave can be divided in many categories w.r.t. fequencies.... regards Raktim

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Q: What wave has the highest frequency of electromagnetic waves?
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Which EM waves has the highest frequency?

There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.

What is the relation between the wavelength and the frequency of the What wave has the highest frequency of electromagnetic waves?

The relationship between wavelength and frequency is inverse - as wavelength decreases, frequency increases, and vice versa. Gamma rays have the highest frequency among electromagnetic waves.

Which electromagnetic wave has the highest energy?

Gamma rays have the highest energy of all electromagnetic waves. They have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum.

What wave has the greatest freaquency?

Gamma rays have the greatest frequency among the electromagnetic waves. They have the shortest wavelength and highest energy in the electromagnetic spectrum.

What does the energy of a electromagnetic wave depend on?

The energy of an electromagnetic wave depends on its frequency. The energy is directly proportional to the frequency of the wave, meaning higher frequency waves have more energy.

Related questions

Which EM waves has the highest frequency?

There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.

A wave with what frequencies would have shortest wavelength 10MHz 100MHz 1GHz 100GHz?

For the same speed of a wave (I suppose you are referring to electromagnetic waves), the highest frequency corresponds to the shortest wavelength.For the same speed of a wave (I suppose you are referring to electromagnetic waves), the highest frequency corresponds to the shortest wavelength.For the same speed of a wave (I suppose you are referring to electromagnetic waves), the highest frequency corresponds to the shortest wavelength.For the same speed of a wave (I suppose you are referring to electromagnetic waves), the highest frequency corresponds to the shortest wavelength.

What are gamma waves?

hazers OK well a gamma wave is the shortest wave length and the highest Frequency of electromagnetic waves ! one of the most hostile waves ever !

What wave has the lowest frequency of electromagnetic waves?

Radio waves have the lowest frequency among the electromagnetic waves. They have frequencies ranging from 3 kHz to 300 GHz.

Are radio waves a example of electromagnetic waves?

Yes, radio waves are a type of electromagnetic wave. They are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which also includes visible light, microwaves, and gamma rays.

What is the relationship between the frequency and the wavelength of each electromagnetic wave?

The frequency and wavelength of an electromagnetic wave are inversely related: as frequency increases, wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This is because the speed of light is constant, so a higher frequency wave must have shorter wavelengths to maintain that speed.

What electromagnetic wave have the lowest frequency?

Radio Waves.

What type of wave has the has the lowest frequency?

The type of wave with the lowest frequency is a radio wave. Radio waves have long wavelengths and low frequencies compared to other types of electromagnetic waves such as visible light or microwaves.

What is the shortest wave of the spectrum?

Gamma rays are the shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum, with wavelengths ranging from about 10 picometers to 100 picometers. They have high energy and are often produced by nuclear reactions and radioactive decay.

What waves carry more energy than other waves if the amplitudes of waves are equal?

In general, higher frequency waves carry more energy than waves of lower frequency if their amplitudes are equal. This is absolutely true of electromagnetic waves, and can probably be most easily demonstrated there.

What waves have the highest velocities in earthquakes?

P waves (PRIMARY Waves) have the highest average velocity as they travel through the earth's materials.

Which wave has the highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum?

Gamma Rays