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Q: What way are the wavy bands of light and dark minerals formed by?
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If a rock has bands of light and dark layers it is what?

It could be a sedimentary rock or a foliated metamorphic rock exhibiting alternating bands of light and dark minerals.

If a rock has bands of light and dark layers its what?

It could be a sedimentary rock or a foliated metamorphic rock exhibiting alternating bands of light and dark minerals.

The metamorphic rock texture that has alternating bands of light and dark minerals is?


What is the segregation of light and dark colored minerals into thin layers or bands?

The term is foliation.

What are rocks called with alternating bands of light and dark silicate minerals?

They are probably gneiss, a banded metamorphic rock.

A bands are dark bands?

Yes, in striated muscle you can think of the "A" bands as the dArk bands and the "I" bands as the lIght bands.

Do smooth muscle have alternating dark and and light bands on them?

Yes, smooth muscle has alternating dark and light bands known as the A and I bands, respectively.

What is composed of alternating bands of light and dark silicate minerals?

Gneiss shows such banding. Alternating bands are known to Geologists as Gneissose Banding, and is used to instantly classify the metamorphic rock.

What is composed of alterning bands of light and dark silicate minerals?

Gneiss shows such banding. Alternating bands are known to Geologists as Gneissose Banding, and is used to instantly classify the metamorphic rock.

Is composed of alternating bands of light and dark silicated minerals?

Gneiss shows such banding. Alternating bands are known to Geologists as Gneissose Banding, and is used to instantly classify the metamorphic rock.

What type of rock texture results when extreme pressure causes minerals in metamorphic rock to realign or when minerals separate out into dark and light bands?

I do believe that the answer is "foliated". However I am not positive, but I do know that... Banding is another word for foliation, which is the grouping of certain minerals with the rock forming parallel bands that are perpendicular to the pressure that causes its formation. Banding of different minerals give some metamorphic rocks a striped appearance, involving the segregation of light and dark minerals into layers. Good luck with your question and I hope that this information has helped.

Does metamorphic rock has bands of light and dark color?

yes.those are very common in metarmorphic rocks especially Gneisses.Usually banding is between felsic and mafic minerals.